Contact Makesure Insurance Services Ltd

You can contact us:-

By email

By phone
UK based call centre telephone 0203 873 6718
Open 9am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Saturday

By post
Makesure Insurance Services Ltd.
Third Floor
St Clare House
30 - 33 Minories

Did you

That if you have a pre-existing medical condition and it is not declared you may not be covered for emergency treatment while on holiday or cancellation prior to your holiday. Many holiday makers are under insured and do not take out the correct travel insurance cover.

Over 65's
Travel Insurance

Have you tried to get travel insurance, but have been penalised for being over 65 years in age, or over 70 years old. In fact if you are over 75 years old you are probably struggling to get any travel insurance cover anywhere in the UK.

Medical Conditions

If you have a pre–existing medical condition you have probably found it hard to get travel insurance cover. In particular you have probably had to call several companies to give full details of your medical conditions.

Buy with confidence

Makesure Insurance Services Ltd. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Makesure Insurance Services Limited, Registered in England No. 5072999